Monday, January 7, 2008

Why do I get more upset about losing at a video game than getting a bad grade?

The other night I was up 3-0 against a friend in NHL 08 for the XBOX 360- a game I own, but haven't played since summer since my dad has it (yes, my dad plays video games. No, he's not 14. Yes, I usually win, thank goodness). Anyway, I ended up losing 4-3 in overtime and it felt like someone just kidnapped my family, killed my dog, then castrated me in front of Jennifer Aniston circa 1994. It was that bad. Not to say I make poor grades, actually I make good grades and I try hard, but I just don't feel this way after getting a bad grade on something. I feel like this is a problem...

...a problem to be rectified by me redeeming myself and kicking some major-league ace at NHL 08 in the re-match!

I stood in line for an hour signing up our co-ed basketball team this morning and while in line I got to review the plan with a girl I'd never met before. She liked it, which I have mixed emotions about. I mean, on the one hand, I want a girl to like's for a girl! On the other hand, I want people to be edgy about it because its so unusual. Oh well, I'll take the props. There really is nothing like input from strangers. Plus, in telling someone stuff about yourself, they're not really strangers anymore. I feel like they could potentially become a friend after they get over the initial shock of how unorthodox my schemes are. I feel like I'm growing socially. Actually, I really have to thank my father, he's the expert at talking to strangers. If you ever see me do it, I'm actually doing an immitation of him. If you've met my father and you know me, you could probably noticed some similarites personality wise...which is both equally good and bad.

In other news, the Operation: Shock and Awe is in its early stages, yet for the sake of romantic posterity, I cannot reveal its details here. Let's just say my accomplices in love are on board and the wheels are turning. I think ultimately I'm glad people like it. Otherwise this stuff just gets unfun if everyone knocks your ideas.

Oh yeah, I have a new nickname. Liza said that people in Eastern Europe with the name Alexander are often referred to as Sasha. So, if you'd like, I will now respond to Sasha. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! I wanted to be the only one to call you Sasha. But I suppose I will relinquish my absolute authority on the term.

You are an expert at talking to strangers. Remember the girl at the gym with the food network tee? You guys may have been soul mates =)