Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Well, it wasn't a fat guy!

I actually sat next to quite a nice, attractive young lady from western Michigan on the plane home from London today (actually two, but one was getting married, and she was thus disqualified from the start). I was my usual nervous/akwkard self around attractive ladies. If you're an attractive lady and you've spoken to me, I'm sure you've noticed me become so flustered its as if I forget English. Anyway, I had next to nothing to say because of it, except that she thought my being a food critic was pretty cool. Give me credit, at least I said something and can see some positives.

Heathrow Airport sucks. If you fly into London, please do yourself a favor and go to Gatwick. Its further from the city, but not stupid.

Beyond that, I got home in just enough time to watch the Wolverines embarrass the Gators (Tim Tebow? Seriously?)...and unfortunately the USC Trojans are beating the Illini right now. Man, I hate Pete Carroll. If there were three people on the face of the earth that I would say are my absolute least favorite people, he'd be one of them...along with Osama Bin Laden and Kim Jong-Il.

Tomorrow I get to sleep in for real for real. Thank goodness. If you go to Michigan and desire to see me tomorrow, don't plan on the morning...there will be no morning for me, of this I'm certain.

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