Friday, January 4, 2008

Officially a Michigan student

Today marked the first day of my third semester at Michigan...meaning that UofM is now the school I've been at the longest (it had been BU as I had stayed there 2 semsters). Its a good feeling. I got sushi to celebrate.

The first day of school went pretty well. Actually I hit the jackpot. My TV Theory class is AWESOME! My teacher has a PhD in dating shows (I'm NOT kidding) and in our screenings we'll be watching such educational programming as The Daily Show (yes!), Queer Eye for the Straight Guy (a guilty pleasure), and some Food Network shows (I think I've died and have gone to heaven. Sorry to all my readers out there for putting it like this, but I'm pretty sure I got an erection when I saw this on the syllabus). Did somebody say Giada De Laurentiis, visiting scholar?!? Schwing!

Italian was pretty cool too. The people in my class seem pretty nice. I think I annoy them bc I have a tendancy to talk A LOT in that class. I just don't want to be one of those people I hate. I really need to watch it. Its so weird though how the longer I go without praticing any Italian, the better I invariably am at it. It must take time to marinate in my head. Whatev...

After dinner, Sam, Liza, and I went to Borders and I bought Run Lola Run and we watched it. It's a pretty cool movie. Plus the title character has red hair, so you know you really can't go wrong (but its not natural red, so, yeah. Obviously this aesthetic I would have changed).

I have my first STATS class tomorrow. Lord have mercy. I guess its my penance for getting to have the Food Network be a part of my education. You're allowed to be jealous.

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