Sunday, January 27, 2008

Did I Mention that I Hate When Ugly People Make Out in Public?

As you know, I dislike PDA (public displays of affection, not the technological devices) quite a bit. But it ramps up a notch when ugly people make out in full view. The other night in the union, the two ugliest people were sucking face and let me tell you, it was hardcore gross. It was like looking at a moose and a rhinocerous mating. Seriously, people, I'm going to start requesting government legislation if this continues. A fine for the first offense (because its certainly offensive). Life in prison for the second and capitol punishment if you're ugly and you've decided to make out in prison (since you're there forever due to your second offense). Did somebody say ammendment to the Consititution!?

Ok, so I read parts of this blog to my stepmother and she said I was too negative and that I need to end this thing on a positive note everyday. So, in every blog from this point forth I will name something I am thankful for. Think Thanksgiving pre-dinner, exccept everyday.

Today, I am thankful for my much-improved college life. When I first went to college, I hated every second of it. Now, I only hate about an hour a day. That's quite an improvement. I always spent the days by myself my freshman year, I had no friends, bad grades, and nothing to do (all of which are my fault in some way, in addition to my depression). Well, I kicked the depression, I knew I needed a change, went back home for a semester and ended up here in Michigan. It was hard at first at UofM because I didn't have many friends the first semester here, but now I have at least 6 good friends and that numbers still growing (which is solid, I think). I have stuff to do, I make good grades, and if you don't count my floundering love life and my unknown pending career, I feel pretty solid about things. Not too great. But certainly not that hopeless feeling that pervaded the start of my college days. That's improvement, and that's what I'm thankful for today.

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