Saturday, February 9, 2008

Alex and the Christian Holiday of Lent

I know what you're thinking: "Alex, aren't you Jewish?" Yes, I am. Yet, in honor of Lent, celebrated by many Christian friends of mine, I have decided to give something up for a month. Starting today, I am taking a hiatus from making fun of people. While certainly a funny and effective part of my sense of humor, I think I've utilized poking fun at people to adnauseum and am trying to stop. I can, however, make fun of myself. So, at least I can always bank on that. If for the next month you find me humorless, just know I'm trying to build myself into a better person.

Sam's reaction: "If you're not going to make fun of anyone, then there's no real reason to hang out with you anymore."


So, the other day in Screenplay as Literature class, the quote of the semester happened. In class we read scripts, but we don't always see the movies we read. So, this one kid was talking about the script for The Big Lebowski and I expected him to say "I haven't seen this movie." But what actually came out of his mouth was "I haven't seen this movie...sober." Classic.

Today, I'm thankful for the fact that spring break is so damn early. I really need some time off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not giving anything up. I already gave up cigarettes this year, so I think I made a big enough sacrifice (My dad had two big cuban cigars yesterday and offered me one... I was sorely tempted to smoke it but refused.. you should be proud). However, I am glad to know that for a month you can't make fun of me. If you do, you owe me sushi as penance =)