Drinking: Port. J-Mann bought a bottle of the sweet stuff and poured myself a glass that would make David Hasselhoff's chest hair stand on end. For those of you who know me, you know that alcho isn't exactly my thing; but port is the stuff of champions. Snooty champions that is. If the CEO of General Mills suddenly had a stroke and decided to make a Wheaties port, then I'd hope to be on the box...errr, bottle.
Snooting: You know what I've come to hate? People who are Starbucks illiterate. I mean, seriously, if you've spent just ten minutes in this country, then you should know how to order something at Starbucks. In fact, "What size is a grande?" should be on the oral part of the Immigration and Naturalization Citizenship exam, up there with "Who was the first American President?" and "What is the Capitol of Texas?" Look, it's simple, they're gonna ask you for cold/hot, size (tall, grande, venti not small, medium, large, you friggin' old relic), and flavor. It's coffee, not rocket science.
An old woman (in line RIGHT in front of me, of course) took literally 10 minutes to order because she was oblivious to the ordering game. When I am ruler of the universe, if you cannot spit out your coffee order in less than 1 minute, you have to go to Amer's or something. I wouldn't even care if you had some sort of flesh eating illness only curable with a good but slightly overly roasted cup of fair trade joe. I don't care if the cure for genital herpes was found to be drinking a grande americano. If you haven't ordered by the time I've decided what I want then you'd have to leave. NOW!
Lastly, I found out today that my Italian friend Alberto has posted a link to my blog on his blog, which I have reciprocated by posting a link to his blog to the right. Since my blog has now gone world wide, I'd like to say 'buongiorno' to my international readers. And if you can (ie, se puoi leggere italiano), do give Alby's blog a read. I'm sure it's great...(yeah, I can't read it myself)
1 comment:
Hey, I LIKE Amer's. I find it creatively stimulating.
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