Friday, March 7, 2008

A Great Idea from My Father

So, yesterday my dad and my stepmother picked up a girl that is helping them design their new house in Omaha. My stepmother recognized her as "perfect for Alex" and made my dad inquire about her availability, interest, and likes/dislikes. The girl approved of my pictures after my dad sold my sense of humor and my writing talents and supposedly agreed to a meeting when I swing back through America's Heartland in May. Most importantly, my stepmother liked her and gave her the Queen's seal of approval.

This got my dad and I thinking. I said that I wanted to just give up on finding a girl since I can never find anyone I like. Really, the only two girls I've ever been really f0nd of (three, if you attritbute the original Jennifer to Jeanette) have come from my stepmom. So, I told my father that I'd just hire Jeanette to go find me a mate. You know what's crazy? I'd totally trust her to do it.

So, my dad came up with a business in which men hire women to find potential women. It makes so much sense! Women know women sooooo much better than men do. They can see through all the girl BS, they can gauge how a woman really feels, and most importantly, they'd know a good woman when they see one. Granted, I know a good woman when I see one, but since women are so much more exposed to other woman than I am, this only makes sense.

And the best part? I don't have to pay for any of stepmom comes to me gratis.

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